
A list of all the posts and pages found on the site. For you robots out there is an XML version available for digesting as well.


An attribution-based pruning method for single object detection network
Rui Shi, Tianxing Li, Yasushi Yamaguchi. Technical Committee on Pattern Recognition and Media Understanding, 2019, 119(235): 17-20.

DenseGATs: キャラクタの非線形変形のためのグラフアテンションネットワーク
Tianxing Li, Rui Shi, Takashi Kanai. Visual Computing, 2020, Poster No. 41.

MultiResGNet: Approximating nonlinear deformation via multi-resolution graphs
Tianxing Li, Rui Shi, Takashi Kanai. Visual Computing, 2021, Invited Talk No. 7.

Region-conscious visualization of output-targeted neuron features
Rui Shi, Tianxing Li, Yasushi Yamaguchi. Visual Computing, 2022, Article No. 40.


An attribution-based pruning method for real-time mango detection with YOLO network
Rui Shi, Tianxing Li, Yasushi Yamaguchi. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 2020, 169: 105214.

DenseGATs: A graph-attention-based network for nonlinear character deformation
Tianxing Li, Rui Shi, Takashi Kanai. ACM SIGGRAPH Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics and Games, 2020, Article No. 5.

MultiResGNet: Approximating nonlinear deformation via multi-resolution graphs
Tianxing Li, Rui Shi, Takashi Kanai. Computer Graphics Forum (Presented at Eurographics 2021), 2021, 40 (2): 537-548.

Output-targeted baseline for neuron attribution calculation
Rui Shi, Tianxing Li, Yasushi Yamaguchi. Image and Vision Computing, 2022, 124: 104516.

Detail-aware deep clothing animations infused with multi-source attributes
Tianxing Li, Rui Shi, Takashi Kanai. Computer Graphics Forum (Presented at Eurographics 2023), 2023, 42 (1): 231-244.

Understanding contributing neurons via attribution visualization
Rui Shi, Tianxing Li, Yasushi Yamaguchi. Neurocomputing, 2023, 550: 126492.

Efficient deformation learning of varied garments with a structure-preserving multilevel framework
Tianxing Li, Rui Shi, Zihui Li, Takashi Kanai, Qing Zhu. ACM SIGGRAPH Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics and Games, 2024, Article No. 8.

SwinGar: Spectrum-inspired neural dynamic deformation for free-swinging garments
Tianxing Li, Rui Shi, Qing Zhu, Takashi Kanai. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (Presented at Pacific Graphics 2024), 2024, 30(10): 6913-6927.

Exploring decision shifts in autonomous driving with attribution-guided visualization
Rui Shi, Tianxing Li, Yasushi Yamaguchi, Liguo Zhang. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2024, DOI: 10.1109/TITS.2024.3513400.

Understanding decision-making of autonomous driving via semantic attribution
Rui Shi, Tianxing Li, Yasushi Yamaguchi, Liguo Zhang. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2025, 26(1): 283-294.


Semantic Attribution Explanation

Spectrum Garment Deformation

Free-Swinging Garment Deformation

Multiple Traffic Scene Attribution

Autonomous Driving Neuron Attribution

Attribution-Guided Visualization Explanation